The dog days of summer. They are definitely winding down. Warm (hot!) weather, final vacations and gearing up for back to school as well as the fall conference season. For DORN, that means we are busy enhancing our current programs while evaluating new ones that can help our valued customers to reduce injuries and associated costs. As many organizations are approaching budget season, we want you to have an understanding of what’s available to add to your tool box.

To address the changing needs of our clients and to bring you the latest in injury prevention solutions, DORN has created a Service and Product Development Department. This group is charged with understanding the issues our clients face, identifying potential solutions to address, and creating programs that integrate with our current offerings. Be it technology based, product driven or enhancing programs already in place, this group will ensure that DORN and our clients stay on the leading edge of safety, injury prevention and wellness. The goal remains the same – creating a PainFree, injury-free and more productive workforce. Although the goal is the same, the means to get there will ever be evolving.

The second quarter was a successful one for both DORN and our customers. We achieved another milestone in pain level reductions of over 65%, up from both Q1 and 2017. In Q2, we also achieved the lowest level of no shows for two quarters in a row. We continue to work with you, your supervisors and your employees to ensure we protect your investment to deliver the most value for dollars spent.

We are currently tracking to see nearly 4,000 people with over 5,000 areas of concern through our hands on therapy in 2018. Through our other services, we look to reach another 7,000 to 10,000 employees. In this quarter’s article, Knowledge is Power, we discuss how knowing the program results from the surveys will help you to identify other avenues to ensure a safe workforce. Evaluating services such as ergonomic assessments and training, stretching programs and training for proper body mechanics, will help to reach the entire facility and possibly lower overall program cost.  Keep in mind that by focusing on the Body, Behavior and Environment will help to keep the entire workforce healthy and injury free.

In Q2, we introduced ergonomic awareness training, we call DORN ErgoAware, for front line employees. This program is geared to help those closest to the work to identify risks and to take steps to reduce or eliminate such risk. This program is a combination of classroom and hands on practical training to show how to put the concepts into action. We have had great interest in this and all our training programs. We are fully prepared to delivery to you the same. Please reach out if this is a training course your employees could benefit from.

In early Q3, we released our latest white paper on Fatigue Management. This white paper brings numerous experts on the subject together to help you understand the issues and impact of fatigue in the workplace and solutions you can implement to help address this growing issue. In the first month it was out, it had over 75 downloads making it a must read. If you haven’t already, you can download your copy here.

Over the next month, we will send out a special edition of the DORN newsletter which will review all our services for you to consider for inclusion in your 2019 budgets. The following is a list of those services. In the interim, please feel free to reach out to me at with any questions.

Finally, as DORN has grown at an annual rate of nearly 30% each of the last three years, we are committed to never allow this growth to affect service. To that end, we created the new Service and Product Development Department previously discussed to focus on bringing the best in injury prevention services to you. We have also strengthened our management team. I’m pleased to welcome Kara Tefft to DORN as our head of Operations. Kara will be focused on service delivery at the highest level. She comes with significant experience in operations management in large organizations and is charged to lead our internal team to the next level required to support clients with world class service. Kara can be reached at


Live PainFree,