Within the onsite services offered by DORN, there is an oftentimes overlooked and underused opportunity for positive gains in the areas of pain mitigation and management of risk. When selecting Providers, DORN looks for a special skill set that partners seamlessly with the type of needs we consistently see at our many client accounts.
Each DORN Provider is equipped to collaborate with local management to address best practice concerns from the viewpoint of Body, Behavior and Environment. Their unique skill set and knowledge base provide the support needed to make sustainable changes.
Creation of a partnership with the local DORN Provider presents the opportunity to:
• Address employee pain in the early stages, resulting in reduced injury risk and improved production
- Provide education to employees in small groups or individually in the areas of body mechanics and posture for improved performance and safety awareness
- Evaluate jobs or departments from an ergonomic perspective to recommend potential changes to reduce injury risk
- Complement your safety initiatives through a defined process that identifies risk and makes on the floor immediate corrections in behaviors through a focused presence
Deeping your partnership with your local Provider will create an environment that encourages employee participation in their health and well-being.
Through this employee engagement, sustainable change can be created, and substantial risk can be averted. The knowledge base and skill set your DORN Provider brings to the workplace is a powerful tool for the mitigation of risk and the reduction of pain for all employees. Used to its fullest, gains in employee morale, productivity, safety awareness and ownership of personal health are all possible.